We all wonder what the impact of this COVID-19 pandemic will be on businesses, and the economy in general. Fewer, however, are thinking about what are the steps they should take to get through this period. Lately, there has been a surge of pessimists, but fortunately more optimists, who understood that while the world stopped […]
I’m still learning…active learning
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. (Benjamin Franklin) We live in an extremely competitive environment where learning is more dynamic than ever, and lifelong learning has a special role in entrepreneurial success, employee motivation, and performance. This convinced me there is a need for an active […]
A brief story about audit, compliance, and non-compliance
Hi everybody, This should be a brief story about audit, compliance, and non-compliance, but I will confess that I have no idea how to get started. It may be because I simply want to talk to you about audit. Let me ask you something: do you know any auditor jokes? Okay, I’ll tell you one, […]
Selectarea unui furnizor extern de formare profesională
Într-o piață de educație profesională în continuă creștere pe plan mondial, din păcate, în România multe organizații și companii consideră instruirea angajaților o cheltuiala opțională. Uneori, așa cum este cazul în industria de securitate privată, nu există altă soluție decât formarea profesională obligatorie conform unor cerințe legislative. De la această situație rezultă o serie de […]
Education – the foundation of human society
I don’t think there is a government in this world that does not declare that Education is a priority objective on its agenda. But as much I think this remains only declarative stage for many of these governments. I didn’t propose to analyze the reasons why governments do not do what they said. However, I will […]